Open Farm Sunday is the farming industry’s annual open day. A day when hundreds of farmers all over the country welcome  visitors onto their farms to discover the world of farming. The June 5th Open Farm in Avebury was a very successful event with a large number of visitors and beautiful sunny weather.

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Ben Butler the owner of Manor Farm, Avebury Trusloe which is part of The Marlborough Downs Space for Nature project opened the farm gates to welcome families for a fun filled day and learn about rural life in a World Heritage Site.

Meadow flowers, Longstones, Avebury Trusloe

The Stonehenge and Avebury World Heritage Site team were there celebrating their 30th anniversary this year and asking and answering questions on the World Heritage Site.

There was the  chance to display your geographical knowledge by finding the sites across the world that were inscribed onto the World Heritage list in 1986 alongside Stonehenge and Avebury.

Adam and Eve, The Longstones, Avebury Trusloe

There was an opportunity  to make suggestions for our 30 Objects project

You can find the details of this event on this website.  Don’t forget to come and say hello!

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